
Showing posts from August, 2017

Human twixt vegetable offspring

It baffles me that some people are able to function. I mean people breathe without needing to think about it, they wake up, they go to the toilet, the wash,they eat,they dress themselves, the are able to log onto a computer, type in letters and numbers in an organised way to form words, they log on to Facebook and...

That creepy rapist lorry driver look

Sometimes I'm not sure whether to put items in this album or in the IQ test album.

How are you doing?

There are some people who are very difficult to talk to. It may be because they are shy. It may be because there is some awkwardness between you for some reason. Sometimes it's because they are a colossal potato.

If there's poo on it, you're doing it wrong

I'd never really wish death on anyone. Well, perhaps Justin Bieber. Oh and Piers Morgan. And most politicians. Radical Islamists obviously. Come to think of it there are lots of people I'd wish death on.