
Showing posts from December, 2017

Don't share this message or I'll kill you

Meet Robert Dean Burlison II . He's a bit of an angry man with ties to the mafia and a history of murdering women. I like him a lot. We met briefly after he posted an advert in a Facebook group I help administer. I very politely pointed out that he was breaking the group rules and he might be told to go fuck himself by the other administrators. Unfortunately for me, I didn't realise I was dealing with Don Corleone himself. He sent me a lovely little essay to my inbox and insinuated I not tell anyone about the message or he might have them killed. So naturally I had to share it with the world. Merry Christmas. :-)

Trump killed by Plasticine

i used to play with Plasticine as a child. i never once got killed by it though. It tastes disgusting as well.