
Showing posts from December, 2016

Yes and No with Manvir Singh

I was unsure whether to put this one in the Yes or No game or in the IQ Test...

Yes and No with Amir Zia

Heather's Yes or No Game. The rules are very simple. A bit like the contestants...

Do Indian men come out of the womb horny?

I've often wondered whether Darwin got it right. Judging by the number of mutants on Facebook I can't believe we have really evolved. I mean the number of gullible people out there who don't know how to use Google image search and actually believe these supermodel porn stars are genuinely seeking a god fearing man for long term relationships, leading to marriage, and aren't really just fat Nigerian men seeking credit card details. The Indian men are some of the worst. I mean surely the average person knows that contacting random women and asking for "sexi chart" and requesting to see "bobs and vegana" isn't going to win them any friends. Spastics.

Car crash messages

I was in a car accident once. I hadn't driven a car since passing my test so one of my ex boyfriends let me drive his car around a car park one Sunday afternoon when there were no other cars about. I reversed into a shopping trolley.